apples & autism

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sit and Wait

It has been a tiring week. Jess, after several months of 'good' mood swings has evolved into her aggressive behavior once again. Obsessive behavior over the living room television, mania-type laughter, loudly talking out almost script-like lines to The Little Mermaid but with repeating each line three times and violent outbursts to simple remarks or questions.

We haven't run away this week, which is good....I am getting tired of calling my SIL to come and speak with her (in these phases, she is the only one that she will listen to).

It's difficult, on a good day, with a Autistic adult, but when that adult shows signs of being bipolar, it gets extensively more so. We sit in wait for the insurance companies to do what they are supposed to, which is cancel her private insurance in favor of her Medicare.

Ah yes, Obamacare is very quick to sign you up but not so quick about allowing Blue Cross to cancel it Meanwhile we sit and wait.